The other day I was driving on the freeway.  It was a beautiful sunny day, and people were happy to be out and about after the recent rainfall.  As the traffic flowed, I noticed in my rear view mirror a small car quickly approaching in the lane to my right.  It was a bright Mt. Dew green-ish color convertible – very hard to miss.

As the car passed me, I glanced over to size up the driver.  It was a man, likely in his 50’s or 60’s, wearing a big smile and singing along with the radio.  I grinned to myself, recognizing that he was enjoying the day. 

Then he did something quite unexpected.  He reached his left hand into the air, just above the side mirror, and began piloting his hand in the wind – the wind’s current carrying his hand up and then down again, off to the side and then back.  It was like the path of a roller coaster dipping and diving, twisting and turning.  It made me smile from ear to ear.

As his car sped out of view, I remembered doing that as a kid.  And to be honest, on warm summer nights you’ll find me doing that even today.  But what intrigued me most about this scenario, was that this man was thoroughly enjoying the ride.  With the wind in his hair, a song on his lips, and a playful and uninhibited spirit, he had made joy and pleasure a part of his journey. 

Too often we find ourselves on the freeway of life – caught up in a hurried pace and frustrated by the obstacles that impede our progress.  But what if we could take a moment, breathe deeply, and abandon the self-imposed stress for the sake of enjoying the ride.  Every day is a gift.  Every heartbeat is a blessing.  It is up to us to manage life well – finding ways to experience moments of joy and pleasure.     

Much like this man’s ride, we must create and accept opportunities to soak in the wonder of life and simply engage in it.  So, discover those things that feed your soul, lift your head, let your heart sing, and enjoy the ride.