Just Like Skydiving

On my 45th birthday I decided I wanted to do something out of character for me; something that would re-ignite my spirit of adventure; something to remind me that life was a gift to be enjoyed. 

I was aware of a skydiving facility about 30 miles from where my office was located, and as I drove closer to my workplace, I became more confident that this was the day I would take a giant step outside my comfort zone.

I arrived at the office and promptly went into the manager’s office and requested a few hours of vacation time – explaining what I was about to do.  Word spread quickly throughout the building, and soon multiple co-workers approached asking if it was true that I was leaving to go skydive.

Each time I confirmed my intent, I not only sensed their excitement for me, but also a bit of envy.  Envy because I dared to step out of the mundane for a chance to dance with the unknown, to walk on the wild side, to challenge the boundaries I had settled into over the years.

One co-worker in particular was so intrigued with the spontaneous adventure, that he marched into his manager’s office and requested a few hours of vacation time so he too could go skydiving.

The experience was amazing.  I jumped tandem out of a rickety plane at 13,000 feet.  The free fall – conveyed to be about 100 feet per second – was breathtaking.  The patchwork of the landscape below was intriguing and brought into focus the expanse of the horizon.   

When the cord was pulled and the wind caught the opened parachute, I was immediately jerked heavenward.  It was exhilarating to then begin swaying and floating downward with the wind.  The silence and stillness of the descent enveloped me – it was peacefulness in its purest form. 

When I touched ground an “I can’t believe I just did that” feeling swept over me.  My comfort zone had been abandoned for an exciting and memorable experience.

Just like skydiving, there will be desires and opportunities in life that present themselves to us.  Some will be momentous, once in a lifetime chances; others will simply be steps beyond the norm.  When these moments arrive, we must embrace them with anticipation and courage.  It is only then we can truly explore and discover the expanse of our horizons.

I Forgot My Deodorant

The day started frantically.  Having slept through my alarm, my mind and body shifted into panic mode as I raced to get ready for work.  With my daily rhythm totally disrupted, I muttered out loud to myself, trying to think of everything I needed to do and pack and remember before leaving the house. 

Luckily, my haste paid off and I was only 10 minutes late to work.  But as I neared the parking lot entrance, the worst of all thoughts presented itself – did I put on my deodorant?  With a quick nose to the arm pit I realized my deodorant’s typical scent was not present.  Quickly sniffing the other side, it was confirmed – I forgot my deodorant!

As I entered the building, my one hope was that the day would be stress-free – no physical tasks or exertion, no emergencies that would require me to break a sweat.  And as an added precaution, I decided I would walk with my arms close to my sides all day – no reaching or lifting or stretching.

It was quite evident from my discomfort that I had left my “peace of mind” at home.  I felt self-conscious and vulnerable because my “protection” had not been included in my day, and I was uneasy that its lack would be exposed.

From a spiritual perspective, I think we often forget to include God in our days as we navigate the whirlwind pace of life.  We find ourselves wrestling with fear and vulnerability, angst and uncertainty, all because the peace of mind available to us was not applied.  It is undeniable the events of life will at times escape our control, but the assurance that God is in our corner, on our side, walking with us, orchestrating a solution, giving us strength, and imparting hope, is a day-saver and a life changer.

May we put on our peace of mind at the start of each day by acknowledging God with thankfulness for His blessings, gratefulness for His love, and dependence on His mercy. 

For more on this topic, please visit the Whimspiration Youtube channel “Faith Hope & Friends”.

Episode 35- I Forgot My Deodorant (youtube.com)

Joy In the Perspective

Many years ago, I was on a day trip through a city in Sonoma County.  The city was in the midst of an election, as candidate signs were posted on every corner, every lamppost, and every storefront window. 

My traveling companion was quite annoyed with the clutter, and voiced great distain for politics in general.  Not wanting to engage in a debate on what was to be a fun and relaxing outing, I kept relatively quiet during the disapproving rant.

But as we neared a corner where signs from both candidates were posted, I couldn’t help recognize the humor in the moment.  One candidate’s name was White.  The other candidate’s name was Wong.  I chuckled a bit and said to my friend, “It seems like there’s a clear-cut decision in this election.  Either you vote White, or its Wong.”

After a good laugh between the two of us, the trip returned to its intended relaxing rhythm.

Nearly forty years later, the story came back into memory, and reminded me that too often we can get caught up in the negative assessments of life.  While life does present its share of challenges, it also bestows reasons to smile – opportunities to make joy our perspective.   

“And those who were seen dancing, were thought to be crazy, by those who could not hear the music.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Enjoy the Ride

The other day I was driving on the freeway.  It was a beautiful sunny day, and people were happy to be out and about after the recent rainfall.  As the traffic flowed, I noticed in my rear view mirror a small car quickly approaching in the lane to my right.  It was a bright Mt. Dew green-ish color convertible – very hard to miss.

As the car passed me, I glanced over to size up the driver.  It was a man, likely in his 50’s or 60’s, wearing a big smile and singing along with the radio.  I grinned to myself, recognizing that he was enjoying the day. 

Then he did something quite unexpected.  He reached his left hand into the air, just above the side mirror, and began piloting his hand in the wind – the wind’s current carrying his hand up and then down again, off to the side and then back.  It was like the path of a roller coaster dipping and diving, twisting and turning.  It made me smile from ear to ear.

As his car sped out of view, I remembered doing that as a kid.  And to be honest, on warm summer nights you’ll find me doing that even today.  But what intrigued me most about this scenario, was that this man was thoroughly enjoying the ride.  With the wind in his hair, a song on his lips, and a playful and uninhibited spirit, he had made joy and pleasure a part of his journey. 

Too often we find ourselves on the freeway of life – caught up in a hurried pace and frustrated by the obstacles that impede our progress.  But what if we could take a moment, breathe deeply, and abandon the self-imposed stress for the sake of enjoying the ride.  Every day is a gift.  Every heartbeat is a blessing.  It is up to us to manage life well – finding ways to experience moments of joy and pleasure.     

Much like this man’s ride, we must create and accept opportunities to soak in the wonder of life and simply engage in it.  So, discover those things that feed your soul, lift your head, let your heart sing, and enjoy the ride.

Grab Your Magnifying Glass

When we were kids, one of the most anticipated Cracker Jacks prizes was the little plastic magnifying glass.  We excitedly used it to examine and discover the details and features of an object of interest.  The purpose of the magnifying glass was to enlarge the subject – it heightened, widened, broadened, and deepened our understanding and knowledge.

In Psalm 34:3, David wrote: “Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.” 

I believe David used the word “magnify” in two ways.  First, he was encouraging us to honor God with our expressions of thanks, respect, and adoration.  Second, I believe he was instructing us to clearly see God in His immenseness, His sovereignty, and His power.

When David faced Goliath, he carried with him a slingshot and stones, but he also carried an understanding of God’s unmatched power to defeat the taunting giant.  In David’s preparation to confront Goliath, he put the enemy in perspective – he recognized that while immense in stature, the giant was powerless against a mighty God.  David enlarged God in a critical moment, so that his heart and spirit could stand firm in God’s ability.

In today’s world we face many uncertainties and unknowns.  The world we’ve known seems to be tipped upside down and turned inside out; truth is muddled and security is shaken.  Without a solid foundation it is easy to succumb to world views, indifference, fear, hatred, and anger.  When we lose sight of the awesomeness of God, we give commentary and authority to the very events and emotions that are trying to defeat and destroy us. 

As we face the Goliaths in our lives, may our hearts remember to magnify (enlarge, heighten, widen, broaden, deepen) our God – recognizing that the chaos we see around us is mankind’s response to free-will, not evidence of God’s indifference.  May we take time to see God clearly – His heart, His hopes, His character.  And when we see the enemy, may we know without doubt that the God who stands with us towers high and above any Goliath that attempts to stand against Him.

For more on this topic, please visit the Whimspiration Youtube channel “Faith Hope & Friends”.

Episode 16- Grab Your Magnifying Glass – YouTube

A Moment That Made Me Smile

Humor is an important part of our family.  Playful banter, witty remarks, and comical stories have always been an integral part of our communication and relational dynamic.  Laughter, we have found, connects us and serves wonderfully to nurture the bonds we share.

Happily, the gift of humor is now a generational treasure my nephew is passing on to his young children.  My heart enjoys watching him engage in clever and amusing conversations with his kids; and my heart delights when the kids display the humor and playfulness that is developing in them.

My great-niece just turned 4-years-old.  Weeks before Christmas I began telling her I got her a present, to which she’d excitedly reply, “What is it?”

My playful response – “I got you a bucket of mud!”

When I first tried the bit on her, she was admittedly confused.  But after her daddy explained that “Auntie is being silly”, it became of fun exchange – my great-niece quipping back that I could keep it for myself or give it to her little sister instead.

When Christmas rolled around, the presents were attacked like a bag of Oreos.  As my great-niece opened one particular gift, we all watched with anticipation because it ranked high on her Santa wish list.  Excitedly, she ripped the paper; totally lost in the moment and oblivious to anyone or anything else in the room.  Then as the much-wanted gift was finally revealed, she smiled from ear to ear and squealed with great pleasure, “This is better than a bucket of mud!”

We all laughed at the unexpected and amusing one-liner.  And it was in that moment I realized the gift of humor was sure to be a family legacy.  For that, my heart smiled.

It’s Supposed to Be a Club Sandwich

Imagine visiting a restaurant and meeting a world renowned chef who is preparing his signature dish just for you.  His offering is absolute perfection, an unrivaled balance of tastes, textures, and aromas.  The chef’s specialty – a club sandwich.

Imagine having the opportunity to sit down with the chef and having a personal conversation about his passion for his creation.  His description of the club sandwich would be captivating, and your enthusiasm would intensify as you anticipate sampling his very best.

Now imagine looking at the menu, and after a few minutes deciding you’d like to make a few adjustments to the chef’s masterpiece.  Maybe you prefer ketchup over mayonnaise, so you ask for a substitution.  Perhaps you think raisin bread would offer a better taste profile than white or wheat toast, so you make a suggestion for something different.  Lastly, because of your personal preference, you ask this world renowned chef to compromise his carefully chosen ingredients for tofu turkey and soy bacon.  And when the chef can’t comply with your wishes, you ask him to “hold” the ingredients that don’t suit your preferences.

Sadly, when all is said and done, after you’ve dissected and redefined the chef’s best, you find yourself eating a ketchup and lettuce sandwich on raisin bread.  No resemblance to the perfect sandwich that was intended.  And because you’re not experiencing the meal the chef is so skillful at preparing, you are left feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

Now let’s compare the chef to God, and the club sandwich to our personal, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.  God knows what will bring the absolute best result for our lives – His plans are intended to provide balance and fulfillment and contentment.

The components with which God proposes to enrich our lives include unconditional love, forgiveness, restoration, mercy, grace, wisdom, guidance, peace, and joy.  They are all meant to be components of our personal, emotional, and spiritual club sandwich.

But too often, in order to satisfy our desire to do things our own way, we try to negotiate substitutions for His best.  We make suggestions for a different way – something more convenient, more self-serving.  We tell our Heavenly Chef we’re willing to settle for less than what He has planned especially for us.

So the Chef returns to the kitchen, His best rejected for substitutions and compromises that He knows will leave us hungry for something better.

When we find ourselves at a point of being unfulfilled and unsatisfied, we need to look back at the menu and identify what was intended (by God) and what was refused (by us).  Did we desire God’s best, but knowingly make a choice to the contrary?  Did we desire His blessing, but reserve the right to reject His direction and choose a different path?  Similar to a dismantled and overhauled club sandwich, it is impossible to experience the fullness of life God intends if we are walking in compromise to His wisdom.

God promises in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has designed a special plan for our lives – a plan to bring hope and a future.  It’s up to us to stay out of the kitchen and humbly receive His best – with no substitutions.

For more on this topic, please visit the Whimspiration Youtube channel “Faith Hope & Friends”.

Episode 8- It’s Supposed to Be a Club Sandwich – YouTube

Is It Time To Change?

As we welcome 2023, almost everyone we know is expressing new-year resolutions.  The word “resolution” is defined as – the action of solving a problem; a firm decision to do or not do something.  More exercise and better eating habits seem to be the standards as we’ve felt less energetic and have watched the numbers on the scale rise over the past year.

But what about personal, relational, and spiritual changes?  How do we know if it’s time to change?  And more importantly, once we identify the need, we have to ask ourselves…are we willing to change?

So, how do we know if it’s time to change?  Simply put –

  • Things don’t seem to work anymore
  • We put on a happy face and go through the motions, but there’s no satisfaction inside
  • We feel like an actor in a lousy role in a bad production that just won’t close

I remember the Ed Sullivan Show when I was a kid.  It was a weekly variety program that provided a stage for groundbreaking performances in the arenas of rock-n-roll, comedy, sports, politics, and novelty acts. 

One such novelty act was the “plate spinner”.  One man setting multiple plates in motion, spinning them on tall sticks and hurriedly moving from one to another to ensure no plate lost its momentum and came crashing to the ground. 

Sometimes life becomes a bit like plate spinning.  We’ve taken on more than we should, we’ve incorporated elements into our lives that shouldn’t be there, or we find ourselves trying to please and appease everyone else at the expense of our own well-being.

While the plate spinning was fascinating to watch on TV, the act was meant for entertainment purposes, not for real life.  When it takes too much energy and emotion to balance the plates we’ve added to our life’s performance, when we’ve spread ourselves too thin and are not effectively managing our life’s stage, then we know it’s time to change.

God’s perspective on life is always the truest guide for necessary changes.  Because of His love for us, He knows what is required for us to enjoy healthier lives – personally, relationally, and spiritually.  To assist us, He’s given us the ability to recognize right from wrong, good choices from bad, risky behaviors, and unhealthy patterns.  But it’s up to us to respond with a willing heart to His clearer vision and guidance.

As we embark on 2023, let us take an honest inventory of our lives and thoughtfully evaluate whether changes are needed.  If the answer to the assessment is “yes”, then Psalm 51:10 provides a perfect prayer for the desire to change – “Create in me a new, clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit with me.”   It’s the first step toward the life God intends for each of us.

For more on this topic, visit the Whimspiration Youtube channel “Faith Hope & Friends”.

Episode 6- Is It Time To Change? – YouTube

A Match Made in Heaven

It is in the heart of every human to find a perfect match – a “soul mate”.  The “one” who understands, accepts, and believes in you no matter what.  The one you share a strong and special connection with; the one you will always carry in your heart.

When I was about 8-years-old, I found my soul mate. His name was Gary.  I met him one Sunday evening when my parents hosted dessert for a few couples after church.  I remember walking down the hallway into the living room and quietly sitting on the fireplace in my pajamas.  Being quite the tomboy, I had carried a prized fire truck under my arm, hoping someone would notice my really cool toy.

After a few minutes, Gary – probably in his twenties – sat down beside me and began asking questions about the truck.  His interest and attention won me over, and in my young mind, Gary was now my boyfriend.  I remember before I was sent to bed that evening, Gary said he would come back to see more of my toys, and I was excited by the promise of more attention. 

Sadly, I never saw Gary again.  Several weeks after his visit we got the news that Gary had drowned in a fishing accident.  My little girl heart was broken.  Even though our meeting was so brief, Gary had left a strong and lasting impression on my young heart.  And some 55 years later, I still recall with great fondness how important and special I felt in those moments together.              

In the spiritual realm, we have a “perfect match”, a “soul mate” – One who desires to be intimately involved in our lives.  He wants to support us, invest in us, and love us unconditionally.  He longs to develop a strong and special connection with us that will last all of our days.

In the account of creation, God created night and day, land, sea, sky, vegetation, trees, animals, and birds.  And He saw that His creations were “good”.  Then God made man and woman and he “blessed” them, declaring them sacred and connected to Himself.

God is a personal being and it gives Him pleasure to have genuine relationships with us.  Through His love and wisdom He created us to “connect” with Him, so that He could compliment and complete us. But in order to recognize Him as a “match”, we have to spend time together, learn about each other, and share our hearts.

Be challenged today to pursue a lifelong connection with your Creator.  Allow Him to show His supreme interest in you.  Allow His love to become a beautiful part of your heart fabric.   

To hear more on this topic, please visit the Whimspiration Youtube channel “Faith Hope & Friends”. Episode 4- A Match Made In Heaven – YouTube

To discover God’s relational commitment to us, visit www.biblegateway.com and enter Psalm 139:1-18.

Thankful and Grateful

At the elementary school I attended, the office had a machine that dispensed pencils for a nickel.  It was much like a bubble gum machine – insert the coin into the slot, turn the lever, and a pencil would drop down.  And not just any pencil, but a pencil with the name of a state stamped on it.

When I was in third grade (eight-years-old) and my sister was in first grade (six-years-old) we were walking home from school one day when she asked an interesting question. 

“Do you think pencils would be a good Christmas present?”

I immediately scoffed at the idea and let her know that pencils would in fact be a “dumb” gift.   And after I shared my very strong and convincing opinion, we continued our fifteen-minute walk home in relative silence.

Little did I know, but my sister had been saving her nickels and had bought me three of the state pencils for Christmas.  While we laugh about the story today – some fifty years later – I still remember how horrible I felt when I learned that was the gift she believed would make me happy… the gift I essentially let her know wasn’t good enough to receive. 

Of course, this story speaks of childhood immaturity, but I’ve often wondered how many times as an adult I’ve scoffed at a gift God desires to give me. Maybe I’ve wanted something different – a solution or opportunity or answer that was packaged differently.  Something my self-centeredness or self-interest had deemed acceptable and worth receiving.  Not acknowledging that God knows what is truly best and has tailored His offerings to best suit my life and circumstance.

Recently I looked up the word “thankful”.  It means “an awareness and appreciation for a benefit.”  In scripture (Psalm 103:2-5), King David expresses his awareness of God’s benefits of unconditional love, forgiveness, restoration, blessings, and hope.  Something God faithfully and continually offers to each of us today.

I also looked up the word “grateful”.  It means “a readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness.”  In Psalm 100, King David identifies how we can show our appreciation for the many benefits and gifts God gives – he encourages us to honor God with our heartfelt thanks.  Not an obligatory mealtime or bedtime prayer, but our sincere communication after a mindful accounting of how God truly loves and cares for us.

God’s heart is moved by our gratitude and expressions of thanks.  Much like a parent giving a gift to a child, the experience is enriched when the child is thankful and grateful – says thank you, values the gift, and finds enjoyment in what has been given.  May we all develop a readiness to recognize and appreciate God’s benefits, and in kindness, may we offer heartfelt thanks for His unfailing kindness to us. 

To hear more on this topic, please visit “Faith Hope & Friends” on Youtube or your favorite podcast app.

Episode 3- Thankful and Grateful – YouTube

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