The day started frantically.  Having slept through my alarm, my mind and body shifted into panic mode as I raced to get ready for work.  With my daily rhythm totally disrupted, I muttered out loud to myself, trying to think of everything I needed to do and pack and remember before leaving the house. 

Luckily, my haste paid off and I was only 10 minutes late to work.  But as I neared the parking lot entrance, the worst of all thoughts presented itself – did I put on my deodorant?  With a quick nose to the arm pit I realized my deodorant’s typical scent was not present.  Quickly sniffing the other side, it was confirmed – I forgot my deodorant!

As I entered the building, my one hope was that the day would be stress-free – no physical tasks or exertion, no emergencies that would require me to break a sweat.  And as an added precaution, I decided I would walk with my arms close to my sides all day – no reaching or lifting or stretching.

It was quite evident from my discomfort that I had left my “peace of mind” at home.  I felt self-conscious and vulnerable because my “protection” had not been included in my day, and I was uneasy that its lack would be exposed.

From a spiritual perspective, I think we often forget to include God in our days as we navigate the whirlwind pace of life.  We find ourselves wrestling with fear and vulnerability, angst and uncertainty, all because the peace of mind available to us was not applied.  It is undeniable the events of life will at times escape our control, but the assurance that God is in our corner, on our side, walking with us, orchestrating a solution, giving us strength, and imparting hope, is a day-saver and a life changer.

May we put on our peace of mind at the start of each day by acknowledging God with thankfulness for His blessings, gratefulness for His love, and dependence on His mercy. 

For more on this topic, please visit the Whimspiration Youtube channel “Faith Hope & Friends”.

Episode 35- I Forgot My Deodorant (