On my 45th birthday I decided I wanted to do something out of character for me; something that would re-ignite my spirit of adventure; something to remind me that life was a gift to be enjoyed. 

I was aware of a skydiving facility about 30 miles from where my office was located, and as I drove closer to my workplace, I became more confident that this was the day I would take a giant step outside my comfort zone.

I arrived at the office and promptly went into the manager’s office and requested a few hours of vacation time – explaining what I was about to do.  Word spread quickly throughout the building, and soon multiple co-workers approached asking if it was true that I was leaving to go skydive.

Each time I confirmed my intent, I not only sensed their excitement for me, but also a bit of envy.  Envy because I dared to step out of the mundane for a chance to dance with the unknown, to walk on the wild side, to challenge the boundaries I had settled into over the years.

One co-worker in particular was so intrigued with the spontaneous adventure, that he marched into his manager’s office and requested a few hours of vacation time so he too could go skydiving.

The experience was amazing.  I jumped tandem out of a rickety plane at 13,000 feet.  The free fall – conveyed to be about 100 feet per second – was breathtaking.  The patchwork of the landscape below was intriguing and brought into focus the expanse of the horizon.   

When the cord was pulled and the wind caught the opened parachute, I was immediately jerked heavenward.  It was exhilarating to then begin swaying and floating downward with the wind.  The silence and stillness of the descent enveloped me – it was peacefulness in its purest form. 

When I touched ground an “I can’t believe I just did that” feeling swept over me.  My comfort zone had been abandoned for an exciting and memorable experience.

Just like skydiving, there will be desires and opportunities in life that present themselves to us.  Some will be momentous, once in a lifetime chances; others will simply be steps beyond the norm.  When these moments arrive, we must embrace them with anticipation and courage.  It is only then we can truly explore and discover the expanse of our horizons.